“You’re a personal trainer?” “Yes, I am.” When you hear the word female personal trainer, and you are on social media at all, you probably envision a fit, fairly muscular woman. You may see gleaming six pack abs and video or photo evidence of her glutes as she squats down in front of the camera. That’s what I envision too, thanks to Instagram! The Reuna Fitness Instagram feed on the other hand is sorely lacking in booty pics and not a single ab in sight, much less a six pack. Some may wonder, “Is this woman a personal trainer at all?” I know, right? I admit, I’m not the best at creating alluring content at this point….it’s a work in progress. Even so, you won’t be seeing my abs (or lack thereof) or a close up shot of my posterior any time soon (um, never). Those images simply don't align with me or my message. I am a fitness professional regardless of what one may glean from my social media content. American College of Sports Medicine CPT, Girls Gone Strong Pre & Postnatal Coaching Certification, Precision Nutrition Coaching Level 1, AND certified Jazzercise Instructor. That’s part of the equation. What else makes me a personal trainer? I am invested in helping women new to exercise establish a strong foundation that allows them to continue those healthy habits into the future. I am one of many voices helping to shift the focus from weight & aesthetics to function and how she feels. Weight loss/maintenance or achieving a more toned appearance will likely always be the number one reason women hire a personal trainer or start a new program. I understand because I have those motivations as well. But I will strive to highlight the many other reasons to invest time and money into personal fitness. We all deserve to move and strengthen our bodies, improve health and mobility, and enter a room with confidence. This CAN and should be separated from the number on the scale or on the tag on our jeans. I will always start off with a free initial consultation because my training style and what I offer may not align with a client’s goals and desires. I feel very strongly about the importance of exercise and movement for ALL women and it is crucial to find the right fit for long term success. What’s “Reuna”? (RAY-oh-na) Two reasons I chose this word: 1) Pretty much every other fitness and health related word out there is already in use. 2) Reuna is Finnish; it means edge or margin. This word fits my introverted side. I prefer the edges rather than being out in the middle. The edge is my comfort zone. We all know about that comfort zone. It’s nice and lovely but it’s not good to stay there too long...not if you want to change or grow or do any of those fabulous things we do as human beings. Interesting fact: Reúna in Spanish means get together. I love the juxtaposition. One reminds me of my introverted tendencies and speaks to the discomfort needed to become who I want to be and the other reminds me of the importance of connection and the significance of relationships in health & fitness endeavors. So there's a re-introduction of sorts since it’s a new year. If you thought about working with me one-on-one, or would like to create a small group for training, now is the time to get that consultation and discuss your options. 2019 is the year of more for Reuna Fitness LLC and I hope you will be a part of it!
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June 2023